Sunday 16 March 2014

Whatever May People Do To Nature, This Shows That The Nature Still Loves Us. Unbelievable and Surprising Art.

There is a beach in Fort Bragg, California, that is a battleground between Mother Nature and the people that lived in the area. For years, the citizens of Fort Bragg lacked a trash collection service. Since they lived right by the ocean, they thought that the obvious solution to their refuse problem would be to dump all of their garbage in the water. With reckless abandon, the townsfolk tossed all kinds of trash into the ocean. The beach soon earned the nickname, “The Dumps.” It wasn’t until the 1960s that town officials became concerned for the environment and tried to stop the flow of trash into the ocean. They worked to remove the garbage build-up, and found something incredible beneath all of the trash.

For years, the water beat against the different kinds of trash being dumped.

Glass, household appliances and even motor parts were discarded on the beach. 

The waves and weather conditions wore down the overwhelming amount of garbage in the water, creating millions of beautiful smooth rocks. 

It was a disgusting dump due to our carelessness, but nature corrected what humans ruined. 

The beach’s moniker was soon changed from The Dump to The Glass Beach, a more attractive name for the now-beautiful beach. 

The Glass Beach and the surrounded twenty acres were purchased by the California State Park system and were incorporated into MacKerricher State Park. 

The miraculous beach was finally under the protection of the state. 

It’s hard to believe the short-sighted mistakes we were making that could have potentially ruined this beautiful spot. 

But thanks to natural processes, the ocean transformed the trash into the sea glass.

Each colored gem on the beach has its own story. 

The ruby red glass stones are typically from old car tail-lights. 

Then, the sapphire rocks are the remnants of broken apothecary bottles. 

The beach at Fort Bragg isn’t the only glass beach in the world, as strange and beautiful as it is. 

There are other places in the world where Mother Nature put a stop to our foolishness. 

If you want to see the sea glass for yourself, you can drive to Fort Bragg yourself and be in awe of the power of nature. Even if we didn’t mean to pollute the Glass Beach how we did, it’s inspiring to see just how hard the earth can correct our mistakes.

Check Out Your Backyard. May be You Will find Treasure. This Story Will Surprise You.

Last February, a happily married couple changed their lives completely by just by walking their dog. The unnamed couple from Northern California were taking their dog for a walk on their property when they spotted something buried in the shade of a big tree. Even though they lived in the middle of Gold Country, they never expected this to happen.

They found rare, mint-condition gold coins in the shade of that old tree.

Who knew something so amazing and life-changing could just be buried in the backyard? 

There were 1,427 coins, all dating from 1847 to 1894. 

The face value of the coins only add up to about $27,000… 

But coin experts say these coins are so rare, they could be sold for about $1 million apiece. 

This is certainly a new way to strike gold. 

It’s likely whoever owned the property 150 years ago buried the coins to save them for a rainy day.

The married couple, who are self-employed, don’t plan on letting the millions of dollars change them. They will sell the coins online, but are pretty content with their lives. 

What makes them SO valuable was that they were somehow in mint condition, even though they were buried in the ground. 

The coins, which were in in $5, $10 and $20 denominations, were stored carefully in the ground. The coins, which were in chronological order, show that whoever buried them was just saving up in their personal “bank” and it wasn’t a result of a robbery.

So, if you’re ever walking your dog and see something buried in your yard, dig it up. Younever know, it could be worth millions of dollars (although it probably won’t be). After all, if this couple didn’t bend over to check the rusty can in their yard, they wouldn’t have found the most valuable coin stash in the United States.

An Unbelievable Scene While Kayaking Through A River. It Is Awesome.

Three kayakers were enjoying their time out on the Ohio River when they came across something surreal… and totally awesome. In the middle of the river, shrouded by trees, stood a large ghost ship. It turns out, the old, decommissioned ship was over 100 years-old and full of history. I bet they didn’t expect to find something so cool in an Ohio river.

The shipwreck was situated in the middle of a tributary of the Ohio river.

They cautiously approached it, but decided to go inside for a peek. 

Even though the ship was 110 years-old, it was structurally sound enough to explore. 

Nature had completely taken over the ship. 

The remnants of the engine and machinery were still on board. 

It seemed like the ship had been sitting there for years. 

As it turns out, it had. The vessel started out as a sight-seeing boat in New York City. 

Then, it was repurposed to fight in both World Wars. 

Thomas Edison even used it once during an experiment regarding communications technology. 

The boat even made a cameo in Madonna’s “Papa Don’t Preach” music video. 

In the 1980s, the ship was decommissioned and taken to a tributary near the owner’s land. It has rested there ever since. 

Even the rope attaching it to the shore shows its age. 

Now, the boat still sits there silently in Ohio, full of history and memories. 

It’s a strange thing to think about. This boat was used for years and so many different people lived their lives around it. Now, it sits still in the water and will probably never move again. It can still be found in that small tributary in Ohio, but if you find the coordinates, be wary of cautious landowners.