Wednesday 19 February 2014

George Washington's fear of being buried alive, made him ask to wait 2 days after he died to bury him...

Everyone of us has their fears, and this includes the United States founding father and first president, George Washington. His fear is said to be one of the most widespread of human fears, although it’s probably something you’ve never thought about: being buried alive.

In fact, this practice has a name of its own other than being buried alive. It’s known as vivisepulture, or premature burial. However, it’s not very often that you hear about someone being buried alive, save by say a building collapsing. In recorded history though, live burials have been executed as forms of execution, torture or murder. Notwithstanding, there have been actual cases of people apparently being mistaken for dead and being buried alive.

And this is the fear that plagued George Washington. So, when he was about to cash in on his chips, he lay on his deathbed and made his servants make him a promise that he would be buried two days after departing. This would ensure that he had some significant amount of time to make a comeback should he not be actually dead by any chance.

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