Tuesday 18 February 2014

Osama Bin Laden Was once caught by the police for speeding...

The extraordinary revelation was made by Pakistan’s official investigation, obtained just recently (July 2013) by Al Jazeera, into how bin Laden managed to live undetected in the country for almost a decade.Osama-bin-Laden-almost-nabbed-for-speeding

In its report, the Abbottabad Commission concluded that Pakistan’s military and government missed numerous opportunities to close in on the world’s most wanted man. They may have come closest when the al-Qaeda leader was living in the Swat Valley during 2002 and 2003. According to the testimony of Maryam, the wife of Ibrahim al-Kuwaiti, on bin Laden’s two trusted bodyguards, they would make occasional visits to the local bazaar.

She told investigators that on one trip their car was pulled over for speeding by a policeman, but that her husband ‘quickly settled the matter’. Whether the police officer was paid off or simply failed to spot the notorious passenger is not explained. But Osama bin Laden would live on for almost another decade.

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