Saturday 15 March 2014

22 Strange Ways People Have Died. It’s unbelievable but Interesting.

Our lives are unique journeys, but so are our deaths. Every human life is like a snowflake, never to be repeated or copied in any way. No one can say they ever see their deaths coming, but it would have been impossible for these 22 people to even guess how it would happen for them. Some of these left me speechless.

1.) A Russian woman, Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, died of a heart attack while at her own funeral, because doctors wrongly declared her deceased.

2.) A new bride, Maria Pantazopoulos, from Montreal drowned to death at her wedding photo shoot, when she fell into a river.

3.) A man, David Pendleton, after losing his wife, was fatally shot to death by his own burial plot.

4.) Teen threw himself to his death by jumping in piranha-infested waters.

5.) Danny Vanzandt was found dead in his home, an alleged victim of spontaneous combustion.

6.) Ilda Vitor Maciel of Rio de Janeiro died after being injected with soup.

7.) Mack Wolford, a snake worshipping preacher, died of a fatal bite from one of the snakes in his church. 

8.) William Martinez died while having an extramarital threesome with a man and a woman.

9.) Brian J. Parry shot himself during a gun safety class and died from the wound.

10.) A Swedish man was killed by his own lawn mower. (photo is a dramatization)

11.) In 892, Sigurd the Mighty of Orkney strapped a decapitated head to his saddle. The teeth of which grazed his thigh and he died from infection.

12.) Edward II of England died when a red-hot iron was inserted in his backside.

13.) In 1478, George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, was executed by being drowned in a barrel of wine. 

14.) In 1649, Sir Arthur Aston was beaten to death by his own wooden leg.

15.) In 1771, Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden, ate himself to death.

16.) Nine people were killed in the “London Beer Flood,” in 1814.

17.) In 1940, Marcus Garvey died when he suffered two strokes after reading a premature, negative obituary of himself.

18.) Two notorious hoarders, the Collyer Brothers, were found dead in their home in New York City. One brother died via booby trap and the other starved to death.

19.) Alan Stacey, a professional racer, lost control and died in a crash during the Belgian Grand Prix after a bird flew into his face.

20.) In 1974, Basil Brown drank himself to death (using carrot juice).

21.) An entire soccer team died in the Democratic Republic of the Congo via lightning strike. The home team survived.

22.) Russian Vladimir Ladyzhensky died during the World Sauna Championships in Finland, after having spent six minutes in a sauna.

No one would ever think that they could die by lightning strike, (alleged) spontaneous combustion or just by eating themselves to death. These have to be in the history books for the world’s strangest deaths.

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